The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will mail new Medicare cards to all Medicare beneficiaries to help protect people from identity fraud. In California, your cards will arrive between April and June. Fraudsters are always looking for ways to get people’s Social Security Numbers (SSNs) so Medicare is removing SSNs from all Medicare cards to make them safer.
Your new card will have a new Medicare Number that’s unique to you. The new card will help protect your identity and keep your personal information more secure. Your Medicare coverage and benefits stay the same.
Medicare will automatically mail your new card at no cost to the address you have on file with Social Security. There’s nothing you need to do! If you need to update your official mailing address, visit your online my Social Security account.
Once you get your new Medicare card, take these 3 steps to make it harder for someone to steal your information and identity:
- Destroy your old Medicare card right away.
- Use your new card. Doctors, other health care providers, and plans approved by Medicare know that Medicare is replacing the old cards. They are ready to accept your new card when you need care.
- Beware of people contacting you about your new Medicare card and asking you for your Medicare Number, personal information, or to pay a fee for your new card. Treat your Medicare Number like you treat your Social Security or credit card numbers. Remember, Medicare will never contact you uninvited to ask for your personal information.
For more information about your new Medicare card, visit Also see this beneficiary Fact Sheet in English and Spanish, and watch the video below. In addition, you can visit for tips to prevent Medicare fraud, or see our Fraud & Abuse section of our website. If you have any fraud related questions or suspected incidences to report, call our California Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) at 1-855-613-7080.