Our Services

Empowering seniors to prevent healthcare fraud

Have you been scammed? Do you have questions about suspected Medicare fraud? Or, are you a caregiver or family member interested in learning how you can protect your loved ones from healthcare fraud?

If so, you’re in the right place!

Direct Assistance

We provide direct assistance on Medicare fraud and scams.

Outreach and Education

We offer free outreach and education on Medicare fraud and abuse.

Free Medicare Fraud Materials

We have numerous free materials on Medicare fraud.

Outreach and Education

Have you been scammed? Do you have questions about suspected Medicare fraud? Or, are you a caregiver or family member interested in learning how you can protect your loved ones from healthcare fraud?

We also provide exhibits at events, such as health fairs. Contact Porsha Avila to help spread the word on Medicare fraud prevention. See our list ofupcoming free webinars.

Free Materials on Medicare Fraud

Medicare Fraud Alerts

These cover the latest fraud schemes. The alerts are downloadable and available in multiple languages.

Fraud News

These are our recent blog articles on Medicare fraud and the latest trends.

Public Service Announcements

These short clips are great videos and audio segments to add to your newsletters, share on social media, add to presentations or send to loved ones to spread the word on fraud.

Videos on Fraud

Fun and educational skits on various fraud schemes.

SMP Materials Order Form

These are our recent blog articles on Medicare fraud and the latest trends.