Let’s make Medicare stronger for all of us and keep you and your loved ones safe.
Fraud costs Medicare billions of dollars each year and fundamentally damages theMedicare program by raising the cost of healthcare for everyone. It is vitally important to root out fraud, and Medicare needs your assistance!
You Can Help By
Following the Prevent, Detect, Report guidelines below.
Sharing this informationwith your loved ones.
Checking your Medicare Summary Notices regularly.
Subscribing to our newsletter, alerts& webinars (see below).
Visiting California Health Advocates for Medicare news.
You can prevent Medicare fraud by protecting your personal information. Here are some tips.
Even when you do everything right, there is a chance that you could be a target of fraud. Detect fraud by examining both your Medicare Summary Notice (MSN) you receive from Medicare after your claims are paid and the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) you receive from your Part C and/or Part D plan. Access your Medicare account at medicare.gov.
If you suspect fraud in your healthcare, report it!