See one of own Senior Medicare Patrol Liaisons, Jane Knapel in action. In this half hour video segment Jane introduces SMP, what we do and speaks on various types of Medicare fraud. She shares fraud examples from her own recent cases, including those involving cold callers and beneficiaries receiving unwanted and unordered durable medical equipment. In one example a woman received 5 wheelchairs, none of which were ordered or necessary.
She also clarifies the difference between a person’s Medicare number being compromised and a credit card. While you can get a new credit card number if it has been stolen or misused, that is not the case with Medicare. Your Medicare number remains the same even if it gets compromised. And once a number has been compromised, it can happen again,…and again. In such a case, benefits that you may need in future may not be available. They may have already given to someone else without you knowing about it.
Jane addresses the Affordable Care Act as well and the host of new fraud schemes that are arising, especially last fall with the confusion around the overlap of Medicare’s open enrollment period and the open enrollment for the new health care exchanges.
View the video of last fall’s Senior Scam Seminar in Millbrae to hear Jane’s full presentation. Also, visit our Medicare Fraud section for more info on healthcare fraud.