Did you know that 1 in 10 Americans is affected by elder abuse? And that elders who have experienced abuse, even modest abuse, have a 300% higher risk of death when compared to those who had not been abused? (See NCEA data.) These are some very sobering statistics, yet they are not widely known! That’s why it’s important to spread awareness of this growing public health problem, that could affect any one of us if we’re blessed to live a long life into older adulthood. One way to do this is to promote the upcoming World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15.
The National Center on Elder Abuse has a blog with several contributing writers on this topic and on spreading awareness for this day. One of the recent writers had the following suggestions on big and small ways to get involved and acknowledge the day:
- Wear purple or a purple ribbon (and be prepared to talk about elder abuse if someone asks about your sartorial choices)
- Post on Facebook or Tweet (#WEAAD2016) about elder abuse
- Join the National Center on Elder Abuse’s “Finish this Sentence” campaign (“Together we can fight elder abuse by…”)
- Ask your elected officials to sign a proclamation acknowledging WEAAD (here’s a great resource for a proclamation: Elder Abuse: What You Must Know)
- Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper (even if it doesn’t get published, you’ve probably educated the editor about the issue)
- Host an event that brings people together – it can be educational, fun, inspiring, and awareness-raising. For ideas, check out our WEAAD Event map and be sure to add your event!
Together our efforts can raise awareness and educate the public, professionals, policy makers, and the press about elder abuse. Thank you for your participation in #WEAAD2016!
NOTE: You can also join Administraion for Community Living for a webinar on “Getting the Word Out: Creating Compelling Communications for WEAAD” tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11, 11:00 AM (Pacific). Learn about working with the press, how to use social media, and what the research says about effective messages about elder abuse. No registration required just join at the time of the webinar.
Posted by Karen Fletcher @ 4:59 pm