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Bonnie Burns, Training and Policy Specialist with California Health Advocates, spearheaded a letter calling for a Medigap guaranteed issue right for beneficiaries when providers withdraw from Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. As a long-time consumer representative with National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), Burns and other consumer representatives sent this letter to NAIC’s Senior Issues Task…
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California Health Advocates submitted a letter of support for the passage of AB 2636 as amended. The bill would modernize terms of use throughout the Mello Granlund Older Californians Act (Act), amend findings and declarations and repeal obsolete provisions, with the goal of allowing the Act to evolve and acknowledge a changing aging services delivery…
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California Health Advocates submitted a letter of full support for SB 37 (Caballero) which addresses the alarming rise in homelessness among older adults and people with disabilities. Indeed, California accounts for about a third of the nation’s homeless people, and among this population, older adults are estimated to be the fastest-growing group. One key indicator is…
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Last month as an active member of the California Collaboration for Long-Term Care Services & Supports (CCLTSS), California Health Advocates submitted this letter along with the other 59 supporting organizations, expressing our joint concern over the proposed cuts and delays reflected in the 2024-25 May Revision. We believe these cuts and delays undermine the state’s…
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California Health Advocates joined 87 other organizations in submitting a letter of support for Center for Medicare Advocacy’s comments responding to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) RFI on Medicare Advantage Data. The comments request that CMS collect and make Medicare Advantage data publicly available where currently gaps exist. These gaps include data…