Can a nursing home evict you for being “too difficult”, limit the hours your family and friends can come visit, or deny you needed physical therapy services because you’re not improving? The answer to all of these questions is a big NO. Yet many people are uninformed of their rights when in a nursing home, which creates the right environment for some nursing homes to get away with activities that are both illegal and harmful to residents.
One of our partners, Justice in Aging recently updated their guide, 20 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Resolve Them. This guide informs people of their rights according to the Nursing Home Reform Law and their entitlement to receive quality health care. Some of the common problems reviewed include:
- Discrimination against Medicaid eligible residents
- Failure to take care planning seriously
- Disregarding patient preferences
- Failing to provide necessary services
- Improper use of physical restraints and/or medications
- Refusing to bill Medicare
- Imposing visiting hour limits on family and friends
- Excessive use of feeding tubes
Please read and share this guide. One of the biggest tips, in addition to being informed, that Justice in Aging gives is to “be a squeaky wheel”! Those who are shy or afraid to ask for anything, generally will receive less care and attention than those who determinedly, politely and confidently ask and request the care for which they are entitled.
20 Common Nursing Home Problems and How to Resolve Them