Call for Indigenous Peoples to Share Their Story

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Our partners at the National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA) have put out a call for Indigenous peoples to share their story. Each person has a powerful story to share. And NICOA is looking for American Indian and Alaska Native elders to speak about the experiences that have made them who they are today.

Stories can be written or you can schedule a Zoom interview. NICOA encourages you to share any story or stories you choose. It could be about someone who has inspired you or touched your life or you can write about yourself, your family, your culture, tribe, upbringing, etc. NICOA’s website has a whole list of good sample questions to get you started.

If you know of Indigenous elders in your community, please share this opportunity with them and help spread the word. These stories can and will inspire others.

Learn more at NICOA’s webpage: Share Your Story.

Karen Joy Fletcher

Our blogger Karen Joy Fletcher is CHA’s Communications Director. With a Masters in Public Health from UC Berkeley, she is the online “public face” of the organization, provides technical expertise, writing and research on Medicare and other health care issues. She is responsible for digital content creation, management of CHA’s editorial calendar, and managing all aspects of CHA’s social media presence. She loves being a “communicator” and enjoys networking and collaborating with the passionate people and agencies in the health advocacy field. See her current articles.