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National Prescription Drug Take Back Day 4/27 – Promoting Rx Safety
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. This is dangerous, often tragic and has become a significant public health issue. To address this concern and…
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New Legislation Proposed to Raise Personal Needs Allowance for Nursing Home Residents
New legislation has been introduced that would allow a long-overdue increase to the Personal Needs Allowance for nursing home residents. The Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) is the maximum amount of…
Good News on SSI Overpayments During the COVID-19 Emergency
A recent court-approved settlement will benefit over two million Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients affected by overpayments during the COVID-19 public health emergency period. Social Security and SSI overpayments occur…
Need a Replacement Social Security Card? SSA Has Online Options
Getting an appointment at your local Social Security office has not been super easy the last several years, especially through the pandemic. Yet now the Social Security Administration (SSA) is…