2022 is a year with big, positive changes to the Medi-Cal program. It started on May 1, 2022 when older adults age 50 and older became eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits regardless of immigration status. And as of July 1, 2022, the Medi-Cal asset limit for the Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level program will significantly increase from just $2,000/$3,000 for individuals and couples, to $130,000 and $195,000! This increase also applies to the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs).
Then, as of January 1, 2024, the asset limit will be fully eliminated. These changes will allow at least 18,000 more people to qualify for Medi-Cal and will increase the economic security of the 1.4 million people already enrolled in these programs statewide.
As we’ve received many questions about these changes, our partners at Justice in Aging have some great resources to answer those questions.
- See their Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet on the Medi-Cal asset limit elimination and older adult expansion.
- View their webinar recording, Medi-Cal Asset Limit Increase, and their slides.
Also, see our other articles on this topic: