Tumikia Watu-Khuthaza

Tumikia Watu-Khuthaza, Web Designer

Website Developer

Email: tumikia@twkwebandprintdesign.com

Tumikia Watu-Khuthaza worked as a graphic designer for 20+ years. Her background in design led to a web design business that she has successfully run for 12+ years.

Tumikia acts as the web designer for the California Health Advocates website. Her responsibility includes website maintenance, content design/development, and consulting. Tumikia’s advanced knowledge of the content management system, WordPress, and related tools allows her to improve the California Health Advocates website. Ultimately, she wants to make it easier to design and maintain content and improve user experience.

Tumikia is often called upon to build landing pages, implement accessibility and privacy improvements, build new features, like membership, and integrate tools like Google Translate or payment gateways.

“Good works” organizations are especially important to Tumikia. She works with several non-profit organizations to create a great website that facilitates a community, a place to share thoughts and concerns, learn, shop, solve problems, and find and create a common cause.

Tumikia has a BS degree in Fine Arts from San Jose State University and a certificate in Web Development from Solano College.